Comprehensive Data Structure and Algorithm Study Guide


Trying to make a short, complete and realistic DSA study guide for coding interviews as well as competitive programming. Studying for competitive programming is quite vast, so we will try to focus more on coding interviews as well as some overlapping study materials for competitive programming. Study materials depend mostly on the position you are looking for, say for example, i have seen people been asked on rope data structure, hopcroft-karp algorithm, max-flow algorithm, hungarian algorithm etc. others non trivial stuffs. Though those are for L4 or L5 positions and DSA matters less there(System design does). So it depends. In this study materials guide we will be writing for mostly entry level or at most 1 or 2 level up from entry (FAANG mostly).

I won't give a massive list of video links for each topic rather it will be short and concise with some tips, so that one can finish this guide within a reasonable amount of time. And i will try to categorize topics so that one can find his/her weakness easily and use this guide to work on it. And remember Only Practice can give you a sense of completeness for a specific topic. And Don't Rush. Enjoy the journey. Try to be a natural problem solver not a interview acing problem solver. And you are not alone! Keep moving mate, never ever dare to give up. Hard work is going to pay you off very soon.

N.B: CI = Coding Interview, CP = Competitive Programming, DSA = Data Structure and Algorithm, LC = LeetCode, CLRS = Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, BFS/DFS= Breadth/Depth First Search, DP = Dynamic Programming.

Here is a Straightforward Study Guide PDF if you don't have time to read whole article. PDF contains only links to study materials. But i will highly recommned you to study the article first and then use the PDF.

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Time Complexity

Video no. 1-16 Abdul Bari's Algorithm Playlist

Comment: After watching this 16 videos i can guarantee that you will gain mastery on Time Complexity for sure.

Data Structure

Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course - Full Tutorial from a Google Engineer and ACM ICPC World Finalist.

Comment: This is one of the best materials to study on data structure topic. William implemented each on Java. But it doesn't really matter which language you use, i did this course in both in c++ and python. And try to code yourself after watching a data structure topic and do some leetcode question on that. And this is all you need to ace DS questions.


The Major Five topics are:-

  1. Ad hoc/ Implementation Problems
  2. Programming Paradigm(Greedy, backtracking, branch and bound, DP, Divide and Conquer, Brute force etc.)
  3. Graph Theory(directed, undirected, weighted, rooted(IN & OUT) and unrooted tree, DAG etc.)
  4. Math(Number theory, Computational Geometry, Combinatorics, Linear Algebra etc.)
  5. Others(String Processing, Bit Manipulation etc.)

Implementation Problems

Practice, Practice and Practice! Besides LC try to do some problems on other platforms for this. Again for this type, only practice can guarantee success. And that's it.

Programming Paradigm

Now, this is a huge deal for all of us, right?. So many topics to cover. But if you look closely the basic to ace this paradigm based question is Recursion. So before even try to understand DP, D&C etc. Understand Recursion and then come back. Recursion is the open secret tool to ace this type.

Best materials for recursion

Recursion Playlist by mycodeschool and video no. 18 to no. 29 from Abdul Bari's Algorithm Playlist to understand Masters Theorem for the proof of recursion.
And another super important thing on recursion is to understand types of recursion like tail, head, nested, tree(the one you need everywhere) etc. You can study from sparknotes tutorial on recursion types or may follow a textbook. I will strongly recommend to study and master Chapter 4 | Divide and Conquer | Page No.65 from Introduction to Algorithm by CLRS. You have to spend sufficient time to understand recursion through studying and practicing, as recursion is will be the base of everything in this type.

Some Notes on recursion: Almost everyone knows what recursion is, right? But that is not enough. You have to create some sort of mental model how recursion actually saves states by pushing function code to stack and reaches at the last/smallest problem and then solves it and then backtrack from there by poping function code from stack to top and etc. Hope those materials above will clarify everything.

Now about studying each topic of Programming Paradigm:

Divide and Conquer

Implement merge sort, segment tree, binary search etc. And study Video no. 18, 33 to 38 from Abdul Bari Algorithm's Playlist


This is tough one. Proofing greedy algorithm is quite difficult. Studying known problems like knapsack, job schedule, optimal merge pattern, Huffman coding etc are enough to ace greedy questions. Study Video no.39-no.45 from Abdul Bari Algorithm's Playlist

Backtracking & Branch and Bound

Study Video no.63 to no.71 from Abdul Bari Algorithm's Playlist. This topic is the key ingredient to solve Dynamic Programming questions.

Dynamic Programming😭

The big guy enters! After watching some top problem solver's code i get too much frustrated. They came up with all this sub problem based formula and solves it like a beginner question(Just kidding! they don't. It's because of their years of practice to recognize the pattern/formula for a dp problem). Say for example: A String based DP problem involves a 2D matrix where [i][j] generally refers to the solution for index i to j of the String and etc. Here is what you should do, try to understand backtracking very well as that will be the key in solving DP. After getting a backtracking solution you can memoize the previous solutions and reduce solutions to 2/3 Degree Polynomial Time. By the way, there is a good news for Pythonistas. After you just come up with a 2N backtracking solution just use functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) decorator and you will have a dp solution(almost 90% time). More info here at:-

What is memoization and how can I use it in Python?

Anyway, you have to study known DP problems as much as you possibly can and try to recognize the patterns and types. Here is the post that will do that for you:-

Leetcode Coin(giveaway) winning post on Dynamic Programming Patterns by aatalyk.

Study and solve all questions from here. Just stick with it till the last question of this article. And when studying the article try to follow:-

Tushar Roy's Dynamic Programing Playlist and Video no.46 to no.60 from Abdul Bari Algorithm's Playlist.

I find Abdul bari's tutorial more effective and easy to follow. His style to teach students is quite exceptional. Suppose you are studying Longest Common Subsequence, first understand the question really good -> try to solve a small problem of the main problem -> try to solve a bit big problem with the help of solution and see if you can find any formula/pattern -> if you can't find any then read discussion/solution(only algorithm not code) and try to code it up after understanding -> If still doesn't work for you then watch the video of that topic from the playlist i have mentioned and try hard this time to understand and visualize the algorithm. -> You solved a DP Question! Yahoo!.

Now one of the most important study material for DP. How many of us know that a dynamic programming is nothing but a topological sort of problem dependency directed acyclic graph which means if you can generate a test case for a DP problem that has a cycle then that DP solution will fail for that cyclic graph. To know all of this cool things and understand DP really good then study:-

video no.19(MUST MUST!),20-22,26-27,39-45 from MIT OCW Introduction to Algorithm

and this will be enough!

Graph Theory

Graph Theory Easy to Advanced Course - Full Tutorial from a Google Engineer and ACM ICPC World Finalist

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