How to Shut Down Ubuntu

How to Shut Down Ubuntu
3 min read

Ubuntu Shutdown

Ubuntu was originally a terminal-based operating system, but over time Linux slowly introduced the graphical user interface to its operating system. Nowadays, GUI methods are the only way to solve many problems with the operating system. We’ll show you some cool methods to shut down your system in Ubuntu like a pro!

Ubuntu, like all other operating systems, offers several ways to shut down. These include such simple methods as clicking a button or passing commands to the system via a terminal. The commands shown in the tutorial have been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.

Shutdown Ubuntu using the System menu

If you are using an Ubuntu desktop, it is easy to shut down or turn off the system. Ubuntu’s system menu offers the option to turn off the system in a dropdown menu in the upper right corner of the desktop. When you click the power off button, a dialog box appears with 3 options.

  1. Cancel
  2. Restart
  3. Shutdown

You can make a decision within 60 seconds. After 60 seconds the system will shut down automatically.

Shutdown Ubuntu by using the Terminal

The following instructions use the command line, so you can use them on Ubuntu servers and desktop systems and headless installations like cloud servers. On the desktop, you can open Terminal by simply pressing Alt + Ctrl + T on the keyboard or by right-clicking on the desktop and clicking on an open Terminal. For servers and headless systems, you’ll probably use an SSH client to establish a terminal connection. Several commands are used to shut down the system.

Power off and poweroff command


sudo power off

This command immediately shuts down the system.

power off command

sudo poweroff

This command asks for a password and then shut down the system.

Shutdown -h now

This command will immediately shut down the system.

shutdown -h now

Schedule Ubuntu Shutdown

But if you want to shut down the system after a certain time you can specify time instead of ‘now’. It will shut down the system after the specified time. For this type of command:

shutdown -h (time in minutes)

Shutdown -h now command

This command will shut down the system after 1 minute.

Shutdown Ubuntu in 1 minute

To cancel this shutdown command, type command:

shutdown -c

Stop shutdown command

An alternate command for shutting down the system after a specified time is:

Shutdown +30

This will shut down the system after 30 minutes.

You can also leave a comment with the shut down command. Type command

shutdown +30 "you have a meeting right now"

Shutdown with message to other users

Shutdown Ubuntu at a Specified Time

If you want to shut down at a specified time like 8:03 pm type the command:

shutdown –h 20:3

Shutdown at a specific time

Get a list of shutdown parameters

To get a list of all the parameters that can be used with the shutdown command along with their uses type command:

shutdown --help

The shutdown command can do a lot with the following parameters.

Get help for shutdown command

Get a list of all Power Off command parameters

The poweroff command can also be used with different parameters. To get a list of all the parameters that can be used with poweroff command along with their uses type command:

poweroff --help

Poweroff command help

So you got to know that there are so many ways to shut down and power off your machine in Ubuntu. The basic commands of shutdown and poweroff with different parameters can perform a variety of functions to halt a session. You can now use any of the above-mentioned ways to power off your machine.

How to Shut Down Ubuntu
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